Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Very Important New Ingredient!!!!

We had overnight guests yesterday and true to my new quest (Denver Sandwiches and Omelets), I cooked a nice Denver Omelet for breakfast. My guest asked where is the pickle slice??? Okay so now I know a true Denver Sandwich or Omelet has to include a pickle slice. In view of this new discovery I think we will have to hold out for a few more days in case some new things come up. I was so excited about this new development I forgot to ask her where does the pickle slice go? In with the eggs?? On the bread?? An accompinment?? More on this issue later. The Countess


Anonymous said...

Gee, T.P. You get excited pretty easily ---and over a pickle no less.
When I grew up in N.D. we had Denver sandwiches a lot, especially on Fridays. We did not have a pickle with them at home but at a cafe it would be served as a side--not mixed in ..
Later, The Rebel

Anonymous said...

People should read this.